Eye Exam
You should allow about an hour to get a thorough eye exam. Examinations are done to calculate how well the eyes work with each other in terms of their alignment and how they focus. Vision is measured with any existing glasses and compared to the findings at the end of the exam so patients understand how much difference a change in prescription could make. Also our Optometrist will discuss their findings with you and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions.
If spectacles or contact lenses are required, you will be handed over to our friendly and experienced dispensing team who will guide you through the range of options available to you.
You can also include an OCT scan for a more in depth analysis on your eyes. Click here to find out more

NHS eyecare
All adult NHS patients are offered exactly the same test as any private patient. This usually lasts 40 minutes with the optician and includes the eye pressure and visual field tests for glaucoma.
Children can get a free NHS sight test and an optical voucher for glasses:
If they are aged under 16.
Aged 16, 17 or 18 and in full-time education.
See our page on kids eye tests for more information about our children's eye examinations.